WWB meets with City of Burbank and the status of the 2020 Complete Plan

Members of WBB recently met with Burbank’s Senior Transportation Planner, Chris Buonomo at the Downtown Burbank Metrolink Station for an update on the city’s Complete Streets Plan (2020). While many things were discussed there were 2 items that are on the schedule to be implemented soon.

  1. The next bike lane to be installed or added will be on Verdugo Ave. on the east side of the 5 freeway from First Street (Ikea Way) as it turns into Front St. to Burbank Blvd. going past the Downtown Burbank Metrolink Station.
  2. Next a bike lane on First Street/Ikea Way will be painted from Verdugo to San Fernando Blvd. There by going by BJ’s, Barney’s Beanery and In & Out Burger

Olive Ave

The reduction of Olive Ave from 4 lanes to 2 was discussed and while the 2 lanes are not coming back, since the conversion to 2 lanes was done for pedestrian safety, the city did seem to consider looking at the possibility of re-striping the parking lane with more of a wider lane so car doors and vehicle occupants don’t have to swing or enter an active traffic lane.

Chandler Blvd

Ultimately there is a plan to continue the bike lane in some form to the Metrolink Station. This was in the original concept but for various reason it has not happened.  The current plan would be a separated bike lane on Chandler Blvd (this would on the street) from Mariposa St to Victory and then somehow cross Victory to Cypress then to the Burbank Channel of the LA River, basically going around the lumber yard and coming into the train station where the abandon Ameri Cold Logestic building is now. The path would then continue north ultimately connecting with the existing San Fernando Blvd Bike way at Hollywood way and the Metrolink Antelope Valley airport station

The abandon American Cold Logistics building that would be demolished to connect the  Chandler Bike Path to the  Downtown Burbank Metrolink Station

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